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Password Recovery and Change Tips

  • Use one of the forms below to either change your current password (you must know your current password to change it) or, if you have forgotten you password, have the system email you a new password.
  • If you change your password, on the successful submission of your new password, the system will send you a confirmation email. 
  • For either task, you may then go to the login page where you may immediately use your new password.
  • If you have forgotten your password, enter your HomeM8™ System username set up for you.  When you click the submit button, you will be asked your secret question that you provided to the HomeM8™ System administrator when you were given your username.  Once you enter the answer in the box provided, an email will be sent to you with a system generated password.  You may either use the system generated password or copy it out of the email message and return to this page and use the Change Password box to change it to a more personalized, memorable password.
  • Remember that all passwords must be made up of eight (8) characters, contain no spaces, and have at least one UPPERCASE letter, one lowercase letter, and one number (0-9) character.
Forgot Your Password?
Enter your User Name. A new password will be emailed to you in a few minutes.
Return To Login Page
Want to Change Your Password?

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